16 January 2012

[Twitter] 120117 Jaejoong's sister Twitter Update

JaeJoong's sis tweets a pic of the steak made by JaeJoong... and that was his hands trying to feed his sis... http://pic.twitter.com/EnDLWJho


Trans: this is joongie's hands... joongie... ah sis only wants to take a pic of the steak... https://twitter.com/#!/Shie486/status/158955273090908160/photo/1


Trans: Jaejoong was in the midst of learning while the 2 sis were playing... https://twitter.com/#!/Shie486/status/158961602115272704/photo/1


Trans: the pregnant 6th sis https://twitter.com/#!/Shie486/status/158961919431151617/photo/1


1. Trans: Yesterday Joong uploaded a pic...(today) we(sisters) came for cleaning up and found it. We try on and pose same as JaeJoong did.
2. Trans: The pic I just uploaded was me. Later, it's our 6th sis

Source: @Shie486
Translation by: @yunmoon + @beforefall(Thai Trans) + @JYJ_reborn(Eng Trans)
Shared by: JYJ_reborn


  1. ahhh get it now! yesterdays was JJ. Today his sisters^^

  2. The whole family is so precious!
